(703) 277-7700 [email protected]

Welcome Grace Furlong – Mason Enterprise Center Artist in Residence

“I am interested in representing art as I see it and in a manner that is easily interpretable.

My work often takes place in a series of illustrations with an emphasis on the importance of light and shade to evoke movement and texture. I am fascinated by the elegance in simplicity.”

This is Grace’s first art display. Grace has engaged in artistic creation through various mediums throughout her life, prioritizing illustration due to its accessibility and limited medium requirements.

Her realistic interpretations produce a relatability and instant connection with her artwork.

Grace was born and raised in Ireland. She moved to the United States to study a Masters Program at George Mason University. Grace is inspired by traditional applications of art and its interpretation through conjured emotion. Grace does not hold formal art training and is self-thought gaining further appreciation for her art through the study of art history during her undergraduate degree.

Follow Grace Furlong on Instagram @gracefurlongart

Art on Display includes:

Zebra: “Anxiety” 2b and 6b pencil on paper

Rhino: “Exhilaration” 2b and 6b pencil on paper

Panda: “Trepidation” 2b and 6b pencil on paper

Koala: “Harmonious” 2b and 6b pencil on paper

Giraffe: “Inadequacy” 2b and 6b pencil on paper

Elephant: “Restlessness” 2b and 6b pencil on paper